Choosing your Childbirth Educator

There should be no doubt in your mind that to attend childbirth education classes is essential. Now lets ensure that you choose the correct classes for you. Since expectant parents have different needs, choosing a childbirth education program that suits your needs is what is important.

Childbirth educators are important sources of information, skills and support for parents in today’s technological world.

The childbirth educator acts as :

· a teacher who provides

· information about the physiology, psychology and sociology of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum(the 6 weeks after you have had your baby), and early parenthood

· skills to assist women and their support persons to cope with pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and early parenthood.

· a facilitator who helps pregnant couples better understand and value their experience of the transition to parenthood

· a communication link between the pregnant woman and other members of the health care circle

· an advocate for pregnant women, their partners, infants and new families

The philosophy of the childbirth educator should be freedom of choice based on the knowledge of alternatives

Some important questions to ask the educator are :

· what are her qualifications?

· does she attend regular Childbirth Educators Professional Forum updates?

· is she a mother herself?

· what are her ideals of labour – do they match your ideals and expectations (desires) for your labour?

· do partners attend all the classes or only a select few?

· are there practical sessions on breathing, positions for labour, massage, relaxation and visualisation?

· which birthing methods are included in her course?

· Which birthing method does she put her emphasis on during her teaching? – It is very important that her emphasis should be the birth you are striving for, but she should cover all birthing options

· length of course

· cost of course

The childbirth educator – a person you cannot possibly be without during your pregnancy – make sure you find your childbirth educator today – what a benefit she will be to you! Consult the directory from page 96 or phone the childbirth educators hotline on 072 351 0051 to find the educators in your region.

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